Wednesday, May 31, 2006

good day today, got through it well. Need sleep now before tuition..and need to do tuition too =P

anyway yesterday I got to record "My Stupid Mouth" and the guitars to "Daughters". Stupid mouth sounds alright, although I hacked up one one note..I wanna redo that small bit again =P or else all is gone. Had a hair cut yesterday too, I'm really pissed at my hairdresser, Jamie. Its been too many times now (this being the 5th) that I come home and start swearing and looking in the mirror realising:
a) My sideburns are too short
b) My hair is overall too short

I WANT IT THINNED not bloody bald and short as crap. He literally squared off my sideburns. Annoys me just thinking about it. Gah.
Have to wait again for it to grow, so I was motivated to go around AG (gah) and look at "AgKOOL" and the hair forums and managed to get 2 pics which I'm gonna bring to him and tell him to do it like. Far out man. If he can't I'm changing hairdressers and going to the Glen or box or something.

Anyway today was good, gonna go now. Have a good week!
(and I'm really liking this layout xD)

Monday, May 29, 2006

All majesty, to the God of creation.

Awesome. SO "Majesty" from the latest Planetshakers album, "Pick It Up" sounds almost the same as the studio one on Arise...its got that techno-eurobeat intro which would take a while to do on the church chances are the songs not gonna be introduced that way unless we GraceChurch-ify it.

I quote jon "Biggest mistake not calling any of their albums Majesty" because it's been at Boom and stuff and was like..the coolest song. Ah well.

Had an accounting practice exam today. I suck, big time. Like big time. Like have you ever had a Big Mac on top of another Big Mac and tried to eat it? I haven't, but imagine like twice that.

Good thing it's practice.

Start of the week, can't wait till Friday.

Stay cool and don't do drugs.

ha. yeah something like that =P (dodgiest paintjob EVER)

[p.s. steph ling's on the DVD...and the credits...*enthusiasm*. and, they called the last album Arise cuz it was last years calling or something and this one Pick It Up coz it's like Mike Gugs' calling and he's only been preaching on that for like that right steph? yeah thereabouts =P cool]

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

so I get to school today and I see one..two...three people in casual clothes. It hit me. Casual clothes day. Crap.

Funnily enough, Alex, Michael and Tyrone forgot too, so Jon was the "social outcast" as Ty put it =P

Ah, Wednesdays...nothing much, though tonight is like bludge homework night...I should get as much as I can done though..oh well. So annoyed, supposed to record my group performance but damn Autumn Concert is on, so all the mike leads are gone meaning...I can't record..and then Mr. Marshall's being gay "I'm marking your report soon and you need to have your group performance done" =.=

HE KNOWS that he's using the leads...bah. I'll try and rush it Friday or next monday's double..

Anyway, gotta go, just got back from tuition, gotta work!
God bless

Sunday, May 21, 2006

OKAY ! Fine..I fai di then vicky.

Today is Sunday. This weekend has been ultra crazy busy and I'm wiped, so today's entry (first in like..4 days) is going to be short.

Thursday and Friday honestly nothing special...just waiting for the weekend. Had english SAC Friday though, easy as beans. (don't get that saying...easybeans)

Saturday! PHOO..wake up 9, work for an hour (I didn't) get to soccer at 11, get yelled at coz supposed to be there 10:30, kickoff is 11. We lost 3-4, I'm dang unfit. But I got a lot of posessions and made good passes and had to do a billion throw-ins in a row because they kept on kicking it out. They were a smart team, Caulfield Grammar. I applaud you.

Also Jon. I larbs chu cuz you're our goalie and goalies are awesome. Full stop. Australia's goalie is the man, man.

Had Kurrawang mission training at 1 (got home at 12:30 from soccer..ate a rushed lunch) til 4, but went off half way to do worship training thingy. We're organizing Kidz Club for Friday again! wooty. Me, Blick and Gracie are doing "Illustrations", getting 2 objects and making something like...a good lesson to learn from them. It'll be good.

Then went home and worked my ass off cuz Sunday would be nuts.

Early morning, got to church at 8 to practice. Had normal worship. Blick, Jo, Me and Grace went off during sermon to "hand out the Kidz Club flyers" which took the entire sermon. Accidental I swear. We were just sitting chatting about the funniest stuff that we've all tried to do. E.g. typing with your nose or if you had no limbs you'd have to bash your head or something. xD

Then went KFC with Mark, Jon and Alex. (Ka, Ruth, G&F and like...other peoples were at Knox too...Karvin, Jay, June) then went home, made Apex News with the help of Marcus. Played keys and sang today for apex...good fun, Mische Wong leading. And AUNTY FIONA speaking. wah man, she was pretty decent, 'specially for her first time! OH and I also got to share my testimony.
NOTE TO SELF: Be more enthusiastic and motivated =P
It hit me half way and I was like (oh man..this must be so boring)

ah well, tiring weekend...I'm bummed

Gotta go sleep now! Take care this week and God Bless
- spash
[Prayer - the most powerful tool. Its you're connection with God, anywhere anytime. Just say a few words, commit something to Him and He'll take control]

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


haha, gettting lazier and lazier to do work...I've been fairly busy these past few days though...thats my justification

Hope YOU have been doing well? Good good. If not then tell me about it on msn =P

Anyway, Monday and Tuesday have been pretty average...Last night was an info night for year 11-12's girls and guys. Saw ka and jon and jason and suzie from Toorak, the one I hadn't seen in 2 years (that I saw at Romeo and Juliet before) but yeah...SO pretty boring. Tried to study after...because

TODAY I had a science test (stupid teacher is gay and the test was just as gay as her) and maths...EXAM, which I died on -sigh-
Considering to move DOWN now =P

To the retards (*jon whacks me over the head*), na but...I'm half struggling so I dunno...but yeah

Now to a lot of work..english, maths catch up and accounting so I'll be off and yeah..see ya and stay cool!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I'm SORRY ! HAIYA! I'm 3 hours late..shoulda done this entry YESTERDAY...

WELL, Saturday I FULLY bummed...slept at 2 (gave Dad's b'day present - a new Casio watch, at 1:20) woke up at 1:00pm and did jack all =.='
although, at 6:00 everything changed.

I had arrived at Crown with Mum, Dad and Ka and went to the Conservatory, sat at our 8 seat table and waited for the arrival of the remaining Wongs. They arrived...20 minutes later *stomach began grumbling* and we all set off to discover the wonders of the Crown buffet.

After two oysters, a massive assortment of both cold and hot lamb medallions, Northwestern chicken, beef, burramundi, kangaroo (Uncle Luke ate that =p) a cold yabbie, a few salads, many croutons...*deep breath*, crepes with fresh blue and boysenberries, a chocolate mousse, a trifle, a newyorker cheesecake, a berry cake, 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream, 1 scoop of pistachio ice cream, melted hot chocolate (from the Amazing Legendary Chocolate Fountain) and two glasses of water, we lugged our full stomachs around Crown, and after what seemed like an age, back to our own respective cars in order to get home (which it took my family a good 20-25 minutes to find our car anyway).

Happy Birthday to ALL the May-ians this month (there are tonnes...I know), but to the ones I know of:
Rebekah - last week
Ruth - 12th May
Dad and Haze - 13th May
Andrew Chan - TODAY!

yep thats it! I gotta sleep...I've been doing the cards and stuff...for Mother's Day and for birthdays ><.
enjoy the shots!

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Thursday. As per normal, the bludgiest day of any week.

Had P.E first up, but since my "ankle is pretty weak since soccer training" I wasn't able to participate =D. I need a note by tomorrow. Yeah. Right =P

Then Music Performance - bludge, cuz we're all recording still.

Study period then science.
The science teacher is a HOBO! "You should have completed everything in your booklet, but if you haven't, I'm gonna be nice and give you today's period so can work on it in class today!"
Stupid..GAH. Seriously, shes forgetful and a buttface. Theres like pages we've never been told to do the questions for, only to read them. Some pages we haven't even READ and she told us to do the questions on them. SHE ANNOYS ME SO MUCH! After yesterday's ordeal I'm SICK of her. Lucky she didn't yell or go gaybo today or I woulda...I dunno.

I was thinking though, don't teachers feel bad or least inhuman when they like chuck the craps. I'm saying like, unjustifiably chuck the shats. Like a small thing, and just because they're having a bad day, crack it at the next class they have, which the next class is completely innocent and ready to learn. Totally just...puts down everyone and degrades the motivation to work...and the respect for the teacher...

Anyway, so I had another study period after, lunch (and I was still doing science work through both) and thennn...double philosophy at the end of the day.

It was a good day! nothing to complain about...but I've got tuition soon...*die*
Gotta do the work now =P
Peace out, A-Town
[today's non-dirty comic! click it!]

When Ka showed it to me, I had just woke up, but I found it incredibly thats all that matters...jkjk =D Smile and let others smile with you.
"If I smile at you, smile back at me and make someone else smile" - anon.



Today was an alright day. Although my science teacher for some reason felt like being a total tightass to the entire class. See, last period we had to write up the start of our prac's, i.e. method and materials so she could organize it for us this lesson. She comes to this lesson with the stuff we requested, but being a total gaybo, she was a podantic biziatch..

"You didn't write power cables for your TAINlab (its like a science detector thingy) so I didn't get them for you" "and ALL OF YOU did not write electricity, so looks like you can't do your pracs"

stupid stupid stupid...she talked for literally 30 minutes, and then goes "this is your ONLY double to complete this prac" but she had reduced it to practically one period. Man. And I think she's bi. Long story, I'll explain another time, if she manages to annoy me crapless again.

Also, I JUST got back from the Senior School production, combined with Toorak, Romeo and Juliet, set in umm..forgot. But yeah, it was AWESOME, and studying r&j last year made me appreciate the play a lot more (and understand it). I went with Vickayysss and Lexi, twas' good and awesome acting from you guys and girls. OH and met up with Suzie, who I haven't seen in 2 years...literally, which is awesome.

Also had the second SAC outcome in maths...

And thats it! anyway, next comic =P take care and have a good day!

HAHA and Jon wrote a while ago, what your comics rarara and then stopped...but theres (for some unknown reason) a strange reoccurring perverted type of topic happening again and again in these comics =P. I promise to make the next one funny but clean =D


the only really interesting thing today was that I had my Music Performance, Solo recording at lunch today. Sang St. Patrick's Day - John Mayer and Craig David's - I'm Sorry. Was an AWESOME experience..and thats it =P

coolies, have a good week ahead!

nah but to be honest, we used this microphone...and it was really good, like picked up my clicking from like 3 metres away, and my music teacher's voice from like 5 metres really expensive professional stuff. I can't wait to hear the mixed tracks =D


(last *squeeze* comic I've got =P)

Monday, May 08, 2006


I don't actually remember much about this morning...frankly my first memory was when I arrived at school. OH and I vaguely remember eating breakfast today...but the rest is so routine that I've totally forgotten what happened.

I think I was pretty like...not tired or anything, ate a filling breakfast, but I had a blocked nose so I couldn't taste anything so I just shoveled it all in. Porr..age..omgosh don't know how to speel, 2 cups of carrot/orange/apple juice, a cup of milk and a slice of cheese. I slept on the way to school.

Got to school, and then trouble began. I didn't bring my math assignment which I did last night to school...due today. F-ruitbagsofdumbfoiewqhgoweibg. I got pissed off for a while, and tiredness started to sink in. I only just realised why I was so tired (like just a few seconds ago), its cuz' I downloaded Bleach and then watched it and slept at like 1. Gah.

Hold on a sec, my magnet-strip-announcement-holder-thingy just fell.

Anyway, was pissed off for homeroom. Teacher noticed that. So did a few people. Got to Accounting...opened my pencilcase. VIOLA (wait thats an instrument)...VOI LA? dunno, but yeah, I had put the assignment in my JOY! Day was getting to be alright. Then I had a test -.-".

Rest of the day was fairly decent. Had soccer training after school so I'm bummed now. My watch broke and...yeah. I'll put up photos of Ka's up soon.

for now, I'm off, to work, sleep and eat.
stay cool!



So I'm gonna go sleep soon, just wanted to post up the next comic cuz' they're so-awesomely-funny-and-funny. =P

I can sum today up anyway, gonna have SOCCER after school and I'll be really cbb =P

and double Music Performance *yesss*
okay I'm off =P


[click here!]

Sunday, May 07, 2006


I had soccer, picked up Jon and played at school against Melbourne Grammar, half our team turned up =P
We lost 0-3 OH WELL. and Jon copped a ball in the face and BLED.
Then did "homework" for the rest of the day. i.e. slept and lazed around.
Ka came after worship practice and introduced me to these ever-so-funny comics that Ruth originally discovered. They're GOLD.

umm, had church! Then went to Rebekah's, along with...heaps of people to celebrate her b'day (on Friday...happy birthday whilst I still remember sis =) and yeah...good fun. Stayed till' after dinner because the rentals are out at dinner, just got home =]

did a lot of fun things today, esp. chocolate/fairy game =D that was pretty interesting!

Take care =P (and yeah the comics' a tad perverted *hee hee*

photos coming soon, for now enjoy...THIS! (It'll get funnier tomorrow...I promise)

[click it!]

Friday, May 05, 2006


Fridays ROCK!
So I got my iPod back on Thursday (joyyyous) and I survived tuition =D...and yeah, today and yesterday were frankly pretty boring, although just now at j-walk was pretty fun.

Had some monument game, and you were either a king (tell people to do stuff), captain (also tells people to do stuff, but under king's order), noble (make it look like you're doing stuff, but really just play games) and scum (workers - made to do stuff). Aim was to build the highest monument...we all ended up stealing stuff from one team lost...good fun though! and costumes.

what else...oh yeah, Grace just said the funniest thing...I shan't say though..but funniest story I've read in a while.

yeah, and I've got soccer tomorrow...and it's ALMOST tomorrow, uhoh, better finish this post soon.

anyway, have an awesome weekend!

p.s. I need someone good at html...I'm trying to do something important with my blog =P tag over there ---> to tell me! thanks! =)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006



yesterday, had my performance at assembly, and...most people found it good, though those who had heard it/are musically inclined heard the stuff up =.=" damn.
ah well, was a reasonably good day.

TODAY umm, normal day, but atm I'm really annoyed, I have tuition tonight AND I left my stupid iPod in the recording studio...I hope someone hasn't taken it...or else -.-"

thats it, got homework and stuff, I'm gonna go take a nap =] cya!

Monday, May 01, 2006


ahh! so homo when I forget to update...cuz' I like updating everyday =P
The weekend was pretty full, like...mentally for me. Here was my homework (which I'm still yet to complete even tonight, Monday):
- English - Creative writing SAC draft due Monday.
- English - Start and finish a 250 page book with about 16 different storylines and then complete a 3-4 minute oral on it - due Monday.
- Maths - test on Monday - revise.
- Maths assignment - due Monday
- Science - 1200 word essay, due Monday (changed to Tuesday)
- Music Performance - Group Performance recordings guessed it, Monday.

so a lot to prepare for. I am the worst at prioritising. Instead of getting the worth it stuff done, i.e. maths assignment and english SAC, I read the book, Ragtime, as I was going through it, I completed character profiles and a storyline like...whatever. I managed to get some Maths revision in, but didn't do the assignment (*doh*). English I get an extension...til' tomorrow (joy)

busy as heck, cuz' I was intensely reading. Had Shine practice at 4:30 to like...ages, but it ended up sounding awesome. Thanks a lot guys for coming then, it was a weird time and so happy you could make it.
Then, after, went to the Glen, met up with Ruth, Rebekah, Aaron, Mum2 and Dad2, and Mum and Dad (biological) and watched March of the Penguins. It's not TOO bad, and the penguins are funny/cute =P, although its sad when they die...Had dinner at Bob's...yummy.

Had SHINE! So I was worship leading yeah, and had Spax and Faifyz singing...
Marcus - Bass
Beny - Acoustic
Mark - Electric
Vicky - Keys
Blick - Drums
so a fair share of n00bs (roflmao lol zomgzor), but it sounded great xD still can't thank you guys enough, so if you look at this, my thanks goes out to you a tonne! And then after church we had Kurrawang Mission training...and after that, at home, more work.

Now onto matters of more happiness, I have to perform stupid My Stupid Mouth yet AGAIN with my stupid mouth and my guitar...but this time to the entire senior school xD, assembly TOMORROW. WHAT THE. Thanks for the early notice, they told me during my maths class -.-"

And thats it, thanks for ploughing through all that garbage.
Oh had soccer today...after glasses got full on wet (as did everything else on me) and I couldn't see...damn glasses.

have a joyful, fun-filled umm...good...nice...week everyone!!
[sozza mates no pictorials because was too busy to take them...barbie...shrimp,,,g'day]