Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Small Glimpse of an Infinite Power

So, in knowing that today (Wednesday) would be a busy day - as all Wednesday's are - but more especially because of being caught up with helping out some friends til 3am and having to wake up real early to hit church for some great prayer time, I asked God for supernatural energy for today.

In no way would someone on 3 hours sleep, be able to get through prayer session, evangelism team meeting, being used by God to share a message, and endure two hours of IFA from 4-6pm at the end of the day, if it weren't for God answering my prayer. It wasn't like I felt like superman or anything, but for a guy who would much rather nap than meet his friends for breakfast, today was completely testament to God responding to my prayer.

Prayer meeting rocked, God spoke.
Evangelism team rocked, God was there and of it.
SL Live rocked, God was stirring up and convicting hearts.
Hanging out with Steaven all day was actually quite rocking too.
IFA .. was incredibly confusing, but I did not even get close to napping in the entire lecture!

All on 3 hours sleep. But all because of God just simply responding faithfully to a prayer. I really gave it to Him last night, because on paper, what I had ahead of me today, and on the amount of sleep (relative to the amount of sleep I need usually), I could only rely on His strength. And He gave it, very generously, and without me realising it until I sit here now and reflect on what God has done for me today (which I hopefully will make a regular consistent thing - counting my blessings and acknowledging how He moves in my life everyday)

I had a 10 minute nap before IFA and that was it! Ashley Chan naps are usually 1-2 hours long. Minimum 30 minutes at the very, very, VERY least. So I can't explain it any other way except that God really drove my day today, and I'm so thankful.

Thats the power of prayer! A small prayer, said in faith, can work wonders, even without us realising it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

mate are you serious about life??


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