Friday, August 15, 2008


Rumbling stomach. Craving food. Afraid of the next 36 or so hours. Writing errors (especially in the title of this post)

The annual 40 Hour Famine is upon us, this year its graced me with ending one day before my birthday. Thanks World Vision.

Greetings also to my audience of 2, possibly Jon and Marcus. If anyone else is reading, salutations and I do hope that you find me somewhat interesting and I can blog to fulfill your perverse needs of prying into others lives. Jokes. I do love you please come again.

So much has happened since my last surreptitious (mysterious?) post of: You frustrate me. Read on if you're interested. If not, gaze upon the photos of what has occurred. Pretty much sums it all up.

The 2 yearly, and final Tattoo ever:

a showcase of musical, acting, dancing and comedic (also under acting) talent from prep to year 12, spanning all campuses and over a whopping SIX nights!

was on.

Danced in the opening number of Hairspray's "You Can't Stop The Beat" singing the black lady's bit of "You can't stop today NO as it goes speeeding down the traack ooooo child YEAH".

Also did a .. 'duet' with Suzie Porrit - I was this dark figure in the background with a microphone. Light was shed upon me for about 10 seconds.

According to Mr Bell (Director of Arts at Hailey) the item is:
"Suzie Porrit and Chris Gassin.. et al. (and others) "
the only others is 2 names: Jesse and Ash. Really not hard.

The story is that in both the separate girls and guys assemblies, he advertised this item as Suzie Porrit. No mention of that Ash Chan kid. Bleh.

But I've had my blitch about it all ages ago and so just got over it.

Also sang in the finale song "Circle of Life"

The Tattoo is a joyous event in which all gather together and socialise, meet new people, dance and sing and its like life becomes a musical and rainbows pop out of everywhere with bunnies and hundreds and thousands.

Everyone also got sick too. So I guess ... rainbows with dark colours and bunnies with malaria with hundreds and thousands of uhhh bacteria particles. What am I on?

I too was unlucky to have be struck down and was out for 2 days of this week.

UM. What else is mildly interesting. its been cold? You know that psh.

OH I'm totally excited for High School Musical 3. What a homo. Check out the trailer and you might be too.

Tonight was J-Walk and it was an awesome program.
God is our shield and strength.
He keeps His promises.
He allows us to come Him despite us being scum.
We are filthy and unclean but he cleanses.

Pretty much motivated for the prayer group at school again. And possibly speaker/pastor/missionary.
But no way am I ready spiritually. Gotta give up more and commit more.

GOOD. Okay well, its now been 3 hours 35 minutes and I'm officially starving. I'll sleep to get my mind off stuff.

What do I want for my birthday?

That question has made me realise how blessed I am and I don't want much I guess.

Nintendo DS ?
Nintendo Wii?
New Clothes?

Thats about it. and the first 5 aren't necessary. So yeah.

Okay photos, gnights.


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