Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Small Glimpse of an Infinite Power

So, in knowing that today (Wednesday) would be a busy day - as all Wednesday's are - but more especially because of being caught up with helping out some friends til 3am and having to wake up real early to hit church for some great prayer time, I asked God for supernatural energy for today.

In no way would someone on 3 hours sleep, be able to get through prayer session, evangelism team meeting, being used by God to share a message, and endure two hours of IFA from 4-6pm at the end of the day, if it weren't for God answering my prayer. It wasn't like I felt like superman or anything, but for a guy who would much rather nap than meet his friends for breakfast, today was completely testament to God responding to my prayer.

Prayer meeting rocked, God spoke.
Evangelism team rocked, God was there and of it.
SL Live rocked, God was stirring up and convicting hearts.
Hanging out with Steaven all day was actually quite rocking too.
IFA .. was incredibly confusing, but I did not even get close to napping in the entire lecture!

All on 3 hours sleep. But all because of God just simply responding faithfully to a prayer. I really gave it to Him last night, because on paper, what I had ahead of me today, and on the amount of sleep (relative to the amount of sleep I need usually), I could only rely on His strength. And He gave it, very generously, and without me realising it until I sit here now and reflect on what God has done for me today (which I hopefully will make a regular consistent thing - counting my blessings and acknowledging how He moves in my life everyday)

I had a 10 minute nap before IFA and that was it! Ashley Chan naps are usually 1-2 hours long. Minimum 30 minutes at the very, very, VERY least. So I can't explain it any other way except that God really drove my day today, and I'm so thankful.

Thats the power of prayer! A small prayer, said in faith, can work wonders, even without us realising it.

Monday, September 22, 2008

It doesn't feel like holidays anymore.

Sounds like a song title. Ah. Maybe a muse has visited me. =P I do have a tune in my head, but I don't think a tune about holidays not feeling like holidays because of exams and homework is a very worthwhile song. However, if I made homework/exams ambiguous so it sounds like.. a lover maybe, that'd be interesting.

Can I be bothered? nah =D

Friday, September 19, 2008

Sucks to Swallow when its Swollen

"noun. either of the two small masses of lymphoid tissue in the throat, one on each side of the root of the tongue"

Le tonsils are homo-ed. And my throat itself is fine? Just my tonsils are fully stupid and making it hard for me to swallow. Like super hard. LAME.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


The curses of always taking photos for everyone is.
There are never photos of you.

I just realised the many photos that I have not shared because I'm such a lazyass:
I'm going to have to devote an entire day (and a lot of my uploading per month capacity) to upload onto facebook photos of just about everything I haven't uploaded in ages.

And its really bugging me, its like a disgusting feeling inside of me thats scratching to get done.
Its saying "upload them already" ewww ick i can't describe it.
albums to be placed up include:
- Kim's 17th
- Stuff at church
- Kids Outreach (training and actual 4 day program. urgh that'll be the death of me - 1000+ photos to sieve through)
- A school album (300+ photos i'll have to go through)
- Mark before he leaves album
- Tattoo (DEATH.)
- Jason's "Surprise" B'day

The burden of many photos. I hope people will appreciate them when they do appear.


Ever been in that position where you come to the realisation that your seatbelt is a little tight? 
Then you tug it, and it doesn't budge. So you kinda like "push it in" and then it doesn't tighten even more.

When I was something like grade 2, I had an epiphany of these mechanisms. I remember it like it was yesterday.

Was outside the pharmacy at Knox, mum had gone to buy some druggos and that very situation occurred. And I freaked out. Was like omg, its getting tighter and I can't do anything about it.
And I kinda sat there stressing for a minute or so. Then it hit me. 

Undo the buckle.

I always wanted to know how seatbelts knew "hey I'm gonna get tight and not move now"

So I checki-ed it out on
quite cool.


Saturday, August 30, 2008



Wow, its been an exciting couple of weeks.

School. School. School and.. oh SAC and then more school.


On a brighter side, as a team effort of Alex, Shivani (sometimes), Michael, Jon uhhh and moral support of Kamal (NO wait he did get one or two words.. "macaroni"!!) completed TWO crosswords this week in The Age.

I've never completed crosswords before so yay to us!

Also got bestowed the honor of playing at the SchoolAerobics Hiphop and Aerobics Nationals on Sunday starring Beny's guitar (video'll be up soon)

Speaking of videos, I watched that Battle of the Bands clip from start of this year - quite enjoyed that performance =) voice went homo at some bits though weeee

Also, I get to organise the song for the Year 12 Review (photos of each person) and Graduation AND Valedictory! friggin sweet.

If anyone reads this and has any suggestions for a song that is reminiscient, reflective and just an overall good song (i spelt that first word wrong i think) perfect for a year 12 end of year type event, then the tag board is there so do post!

Radha pointed out to me that next week is the final week of proper school ever - cuz then after that its trials and examinations and revision and stuff .. scary because I don't want to leave school! urgh. Same story for everyone whos gone/going through year 12 hey?

Okay anyhow just thought I'd say something - I am slightly alive yes.

Cool bananas
spash ketchum.

PS: please go here - this guy is phenomenal . 

Sunday, August 24, 2008

You know what? I think I will! :)
Thanks Facebook Team!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Only got 4 minutes to save the world.

PS: title of this post is because it was started at ... yeah you can work it out.

So today, the 40 Hour Famine ended for me at 11:45.

I was joyous, and couldn't wait to eat a spring roll from the baptism lunch of Kenneth Han (congrats buddy.) and then eat a cheeseburger, go to this apparent lunch at the Wong's house to celebrate Uncle Luke's birthday then sleep and do my english essay this afternoon.

Boy was I in for a shock.

In short:
I'm very oblivious and tired since the famine made me... very tired and oblivious.
Also my parents are very good planners and even better liars.
I also have friends who must be used to lying to my face coz they did a damn good job of it today.

Surprise, its a day before Ashley's birthday and SURPRISE, a repeat of 2006, I got a surprise lunch.

Damn all I wanted was some sleep, sheesh.


Brilliant job by Ruth who drove me to Kay-Nox and we bought 2 cheeseburgers and 20 pack of nuggets then mushrooms and Perinase sauce from Coles before "heading home to pick up a pot of food for lunch at Uncle Luke's house".

I even saved a chicken nugget for Pretzel cuz I thought he'd be so lonely at home whilst parents were at the Wong's house already. And then I walk downstairs and everyone yelled SURPRISE at Ruth with me following closely behind in which I thought to myself "Damnit they got me again." in the most LOVING way.

SCORE its 12 o'clock NOW. So I'm officially 18 now.

Chanchal Panwar = Number 1

Closely followed by Anu Kumar then Suzie Kim with the Bronze.

So yes, we proceeded all to have karaoke, eat Nando's, pizza and plenty of sushi and by 4 everyone got tired of it and left.

It wasn't over, next was a High Tea (no idea what it is. Must be sophisticated for dinner) with all my aunties and uncles that have seen me grow up. Which meant, (I hate to admit. And I hope they don't read this) seriously a lot of um.. gifts. We'll end that there.

But in a nutshell ? My plans of sleeping and studying were postponed until 12:00 which is now-ish. BUT ALL FOR AN AWESOME AWESOME REASON.

Three massive highlights:
1) Got the BEST card I think I've ever gotten? (Pictured)
2) Got pretty much the most practical and "I didn't think of that" gifts from the Godbrothers and Sister (Pictured)
3) Got to spend my afternoon with most of the people I love most dearly.

So yeah, sick day. I'm gonna start my homework now.
Gnights to you, thanks for reading


Saturday, August 16, 2008


13 hours remain.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Rumbling stomach. Craving food. Afraid of the next 36 or so hours. Writing errors (especially in the title of this post)

The annual 40 Hour Famine is upon us, this year its graced me with ending one day before my birthday. Thanks World Vision.

Greetings also to my audience of 2, possibly Jon and Marcus. If anyone else is reading, salutations and I do hope that you find me somewhat interesting and I can blog to fulfill your perverse needs of prying into others lives. Jokes. I do love you please come again.

So much has happened since my last surreptitious (mysterious?) post of: You frustrate me. Read on if you're interested. If not, gaze upon the photos of what has occurred. Pretty much sums it all up.

The 2 yearly, and final Tattoo ever:

a showcase of musical, acting, dancing and comedic (also under acting) talent from prep to year 12, spanning all campuses and over a whopping SIX nights!

was on.

Danced in the opening number of Hairspray's "You Can't Stop The Beat" singing the black lady's bit of "You can't stop today NO as it goes speeeding down the traack ooooo child YEAH".

Also did a .. 'duet' with Suzie Porrit - I was this dark figure in the background with a microphone. Light was shed upon me for about 10 seconds.

According to Mr Bell (Director of Arts at Hailey) the item is:
"Suzie Porrit and Chris Gassin.. et al. (and others) "
the only others is 2 names: Jesse and Ash. Really not hard.

The story is that in both the separate girls and guys assemblies, he advertised this item as Suzie Porrit. No mention of that Ash Chan kid. Bleh.

But I've had my blitch about it all ages ago and so just got over it.

Also sang in the finale song "Circle of Life"

The Tattoo is a joyous event in which all gather together and socialise, meet new people, dance and sing and its like life becomes a musical and rainbows pop out of everywhere with bunnies and hundreds and thousands.

Everyone also got sick too. So I guess ... rainbows with dark colours and bunnies with malaria with hundreds and thousands of uhhh bacteria particles. What am I on?

I too was unlucky to have be struck down and was out for 2 days of this week.

UM. What else is mildly interesting. its been cold? You know that psh.

OH I'm totally excited for High School Musical 3. What a homo. Check out the trailer and you might be too.

Tonight was J-Walk and it was an awesome program.
God is our shield and strength.
He keeps His promises.
He allows us to come Him despite us being scum.
We are filthy and unclean but he cleanses.

Pretty much motivated for the prayer group at school again. And possibly speaker/pastor/missionary.
But no way am I ready spiritually. Gotta give up more and commit more.

GOOD. Okay well, its now been 3 hours 35 minutes and I'm officially starving. I'll sleep to get my mind off stuff.

What do I want for my birthday?

That question has made me realise how blessed I am and I don't want much I guess.

Nintendo DS ?
Nintendo Wii?
New Clothes?

Thats about it. and the first 5 aren't necessary. So yeah.

Okay photos, gnights.

Monday, July 07, 2008


ARGH. you frustrate me =P

Thursday, June 12, 2008


I don't know what to title this ..

And I don't know if its sad or funny?

I guess.. just think twice before you punch someone in the back.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Camera Technique.

IT LOOKS like I am liking that black, screen-ed gadget in my hand.
But thanks to the amazementness of CAMERA ANGLES and TECHNIQUE, I have FOOLED YOUR EYES.

It's like a magic eye without the magic eye! Be astonished at the Great Zimzamadashley!

Yes it is I, I have returned. I initially thought I would blog JUST for the stay at the Wong's and JUST for the time my parents were gone. So what better way to finish the lot of posts with this one.

I have recovered now from the excitingmentness of having my parents come back, and seeing my dog for the first time in ten days. Mind you it is now roughly (Monday afternoon til Sunday morning.. umm) 5 days and several hours since they have come back. It took me that long to recuperate as I was so overly massively overjoyed.

You, stop laughing, I actually DID miss them, despite not outwardly showing them.

Was actually surprised to see Pretzel (yes that is my dog's name. He's also a Shitsu and a Poodle hybrid - work that one out yourself) after 10 tens. HE WAS AW SHO KAHYOOT.

SLR Camera: $1000. (and $350 off mum and dad)
Lacoste Shoes: $70. (BARGAIN!)
Having return home to two dead asleep parents who were more excited to see their dog than their son: Earth shattering.

Did I tell you mum CRIED when she dropped off Pretzel before the trip, but looked like the burden of the sins of the world was lifted from her shoulders after dumping me at the Wong's house? Gosh. Talk about priorities.

Exam is on Friday. I'm massively tired and have to play drums for music tomorrow morning at churchies so better go!

You know how your armstretch is roughly the same as your height?
Mine are longer.


PS YES I KNOW:typos:
10 tens = 10 days.
in re: emotions/missing parents, i didn't mean not showing EMOTIONS (them). I think. I dunno I"m too lazy to scroll up and change it but you get the gist. Gist. Mist. Hissed. Pissed. Snake. Rake. Fake. Cabbage.

Monday, June 02, 2008

DAY 11

I am in the wee minutes of Monday morning. Just finished a little Chemistry revision. For those of you that may read this and know my pain, NEAP practice exams are freaking nuts. Refreshing though, and they make you feel very insignificant and stupid, which is a great thing especially before an exam.

Day 9. Saturday, bummed, Chadstone with Ruth and Holland and was looking for a formal present for my formal date s2s2 oo, Anu.

Day 10. Sunday. Woke up early because its the FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH. New month means new music team, meaning team Ben was on so yeah. It also means one day closer to MONDAY, when the rentals come back. Went to Goshen at Glen (which the S looked like either an F, I or antideriv sign. Thanks tron.) was alright. Hot plates are quite hot so don't touch them.

David and I realised the hard way, through small thrills of tapping the bowl quickly and having the delayed pain hit a solid second after touching le bowl. Fascinating.

Went back home and slept then had pizza for dinner and watched Narnia and Gladiators. TOTALLY FREAKING FUN.

I do have a complaint about Gladiators. Australian Gladiators are too pansy. I rather prefer the bad hardcaw bad boy (aka marcus) fake acting rather than the "Ah, the competitors were good, but they need to step up because they're against us that Gladiators! *flops wrist* .

Something over the top and angry and fake and fake.

thats my rant. Narnia also has to be the worst (apart from HP4 and 5) adaptation of a book ever. Obvious blue screen fake backgrounds and the animals coulda been a little realer maybes. And the movie was kinda .. scattered, not a flowing storyline.

OKAY i'm boring I know, stop reading if you haven't already. I'll go sleep and you should too.

You get dizzier if you stare up rather than down, whilst spinning around.

Friday, May 30, 2008


My rents are almost home! Wow.

Its late and I decided to take photos of my eyes in bed in a dark room. You wouldn't guess its a dark room but photobooth on mac actually takes photos and uses a mock flash (turns the screen white). Not interesting? Yeah I agree

Tis late

Thursday, May 29, 2008



Me and Ruth are singing Tenacious D - its her fault not mine.

If you were wondering (which I know you weren't) here's how my room looks, its rather cosy.

Friday tomorrow! woopee.