Saturday, August 30, 2008



Wow, its been an exciting couple of weeks.

School. School. School and.. oh SAC and then more school.


On a brighter side, as a team effort of Alex, Shivani (sometimes), Michael, Jon uhhh and moral support of Kamal (NO wait he did get one or two words.. "macaroni"!!) completed TWO crosswords this week in The Age.

I've never completed crosswords before so yay to us!

Also got bestowed the honor of playing at the SchoolAerobics Hiphop and Aerobics Nationals on Sunday starring Beny's guitar (video'll be up soon)

Speaking of videos, I watched that Battle of the Bands clip from start of this year - quite enjoyed that performance =) voice went homo at some bits though weeee

Also, I get to organise the song for the Year 12 Review (photos of each person) and Graduation AND Valedictory! friggin sweet.

If anyone reads this and has any suggestions for a song that is reminiscient, reflective and just an overall good song (i spelt that first word wrong i think) perfect for a year 12 end of year type event, then the tag board is there so do post!

Radha pointed out to me that next week is the final week of proper school ever - cuz then after that its trials and examinations and revision and stuff .. scary because I don't want to leave school! urgh. Same story for everyone whos gone/going through year 12 hey?

Okay anyhow just thought I'd say something - I am slightly alive yes.

Cool bananas
spash ketchum.

PS: please go here - this guy is phenomenal . 


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