Monday, May 01, 2006


ahh! so homo when I forget to update...cuz' I like updating everyday =P
The weekend was pretty full, like...mentally for me. Here was my homework (which I'm still yet to complete even tonight, Monday):
- English - Creative writing SAC draft due Monday.
- English - Start and finish a 250 page book with about 16 different storylines and then complete a 3-4 minute oral on it - due Monday.
- Maths - test on Monday - revise.
- Maths assignment - due Monday
- Science - 1200 word essay, due Monday (changed to Tuesday)
- Music Performance - Group Performance recordings guessed it, Monday.

so a lot to prepare for. I am the worst at prioritising. Instead of getting the worth it stuff done, i.e. maths assignment and english SAC, I read the book, Ragtime, as I was going through it, I completed character profiles and a storyline like...whatever. I managed to get some Maths revision in, but didn't do the assignment (*doh*). English I get an extension...til' tomorrow (joy)

busy as heck, cuz' I was intensely reading. Had Shine practice at 4:30 to like...ages, but it ended up sounding awesome. Thanks a lot guys for coming then, it was a weird time and so happy you could make it.
Then, after, went to the Glen, met up with Ruth, Rebekah, Aaron, Mum2 and Dad2, and Mum and Dad (biological) and watched March of the Penguins. It's not TOO bad, and the penguins are funny/cute =P, although its sad when they die...Had dinner at Bob's...yummy.

Had SHINE! So I was worship leading yeah, and had Spax and Faifyz singing...
Marcus - Bass
Beny - Acoustic
Mark - Electric
Vicky - Keys
Blick - Drums
so a fair share of n00bs (roflmao lol zomgzor), but it sounded great xD still can't thank you guys enough, so if you look at this, my thanks goes out to you a tonne! And then after church we had Kurrawang Mission training...and after that, at home, more work.

Now onto matters of more happiness, I have to perform stupid My Stupid Mouth yet AGAIN with my stupid mouth and my guitar...but this time to the entire senior school xD, assembly TOMORROW. WHAT THE. Thanks for the early notice, they told me during my maths class -.-"

And thats it, thanks for ploughing through all that garbage.
Oh had soccer today...after glasses got full on wet (as did everything else on me) and I couldn't see...damn glasses.

have a joyful, fun-filled umm...good...nice...week everyone!!
[sozza mates no pictorials because was too busy to take them...barbie...shrimp,,,g'day]


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