Wednesday, April 26, 2006

first day of school.

back to the best routine in the world - school. TERM TWO!
nyaaaaaaaaa, can't be bothered. nothing really interesting, although each period was cut 10 mins short so that we could have 30 minutes to stand watching a flag go up and down a pole and the pipes and drums playing a tune that we-all-could-probably-recite-upside-down-twelve-times-non-stop-and-they've-played-it-300-years-straight - it was for the ANZAC Day service.
got to perform in Music Performance (musperf [muse-perf] - "its like Busman, only gay" the abbreviation that is...thanks michael) because tomorrow night I'm playing! WOO! Can't wait...yet I'm freaked like crap.

come see me =D Celebration of Leadership night...whole school I just found out...starts at 8, I'm only doing one song. SCARY.

anyway, I was mucking around with more aparture shots, if you wanna look, with Andrew's guitar (I'm using it tomorrow ^______^v)
have an awesome weeeeeeek ya'll,
p.s. first two are the like..4 megapixel ones..the rest are fuzzy =P

Go to sleep my beautiful. xD


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