Sunday, May 07, 2006


I had soccer, picked up Jon and played at school against Melbourne Grammar, half our team turned up =P
We lost 0-3 OH WELL. and Jon copped a ball in the face and BLED.
Then did "homework" for the rest of the day. i.e. slept and lazed around.
Ka came after worship practice and introduced me to these ever-so-funny comics that Ruth originally discovered. They're GOLD.

umm, had church! Then went to Rebekah's, along with...heaps of people to celebrate her b'day (on Friday...happy birthday whilst I still remember sis =) and yeah...good fun. Stayed till' after dinner because the rentals are out at dinner, just got home =]

did a lot of fun things today, esp. chocolate/fairy game =D that was pretty interesting!

Take care =P (and yeah the comics' a tad perverted *hee hee*

photos coming soon, for now enjoy...THIS! (It'll get funnier tomorrow...I promise)

[click it!]


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