Wednesday, July 26, 2006

MAN, now I have no earphones! This is so gay.
So, the free headphones given to me last year by Ben White, both broke =P Then I used these old Casio ones I've had since like..birth..and both sets broke, and now I'm stuck with just an iPod =D That kinda sucks.

ON THE GOOD SIDE THOUGH - my doorknob was broken for an age..forgot by who...I think some churchies...I seem to think Alex and Ka were there. DAD fixed it *legend* and yeah.

AND..maths test last last week we had or was it last...UM
BUT the SAC I got like ...19/20 and like 15/16 and all that..soo cool. 1 Mark off WOOT! And the test I was one mark off ace-ing it. OMGOSH thats SO cool. So happy =P

And tuition, although I was mega moody and an absolute hobo to dad before it, was reasonably good too. SO TODAY was a good day =)

and I discovered new paintshop techniques =P woot
ANYWAY take care, thats today's blog!

ps. spleng's dad rocks.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Today's Daily Bread I found really applicable, homework and my spiritual life and all, I haven't been very disciplined. It's more than a coincidence I can say...

Cupcake Self-Discipline

READ: Titus 1:1-9

Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls. —Proverbs 25:28

An old adage says: “Next time you want a cupcake, eat a carrot.” The saying is good advice for dieters, but those who framed it may have had all of us in mind. By disciplining our desires when no moral principle is at stake, we prepare ourselves for those moments when we face a temptation to sin.

This kind of discipline is what Paul referred to when he used the term self-controlled in his list of qualifications for church leadership (Titus 1:8). We need this reminder today. Many people think they can live immorally now and suddenly stop when they want to. Because they do not consider the addictive power of sin, they find that living up to their good intentions is far more difficult than they had anticipated.

Proverbs 25:28 tells us that if we lack self-control we are as defenseless as a city with broken-down walls. Consistent self-discipline will build up our spiritual defense system against the forces of evil.

When we discipline ourselves to keep our ordinary desires under control, we make a habit of virtuous living and practice the reality of Paul’s words in Romans 6:18, “Having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.” Herbert Vander Lugt

Word of the Day

limn \LIM\, transitive verb:
1. To depict by drawing or painting.
2. To portray in words; to describe.

Well here I am, a new week , ready to limn (eh? eh!!? cool) today's events and the happenings of the weekend.

Saturday we had sa-ka/football/saw-ker/sock-ka. In which we lost 5-2, and I was sore for the entire weekend til today. Still am =( *pity me*. Then 40 Days of Purpose practice, I'm drumming for the launch and James is really really like...easy. We ran through it once and he was happy (but other people weren't so again we did =P) but YEAH. Then Saturday night had dinner at the Grand Hyatt. Mmm.

BEFORE I FORGET: I should wish the following people happy birthday for this month:

6th - Gracie's Fifteenth
10th - Steph's Sixxxteenth
11th - Sarah's Umpteenth (hee =D)
29th - Stevie's Twenty somethinkth (I know the age but i shan't say)
31st - Mummy's Five-Zero'th

Sunday, had church then went to knox with JJAMM. Jason, Jon, Alex, Mark and Marcus. Realise we all make JJAAMM, or JAMJAM or..well, heres something, whoever can shout out the coolest combination of those letters wins a cheeseburger from Glen Hungry Jacks =)
But yeah, ever since eating half a mega meal with Marcus I felt incredibly..I dunno...crapped.

Monday, missed school for er, meh. SO yeah. Was at home all day.
AND THATS IT for now yo'
Keep safe and yep.
stay coo'

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Year 9 Options
2004 and before.
trala just saying hi
going to sleep now

Monday, July 17, 2006

Saturday - Apex - crazy awesome and I love worshipping God with the drums. The team did brilliantly and moreso, the Holy Spirit worked through each and every one of the team, and Clem had an awesome message about how when we go astray, God's call is still the same, "Come back, I love you"

YEAH, if you read Jon's Blog he mentioned the new trees etc and landscaping done by uncle T.L and constructed by many. LOOKS GOOD. so check it out.

strange..I feel like uploading photos and such..I'm really lazy to, but yeah I FEEL like it. And also I have homework to do, but I'm easily distracted. Oh what the hey, photos just for today, no words anymore =) ja-ne

Saturday, July 15, 2006

today's aim:
Make someone smile whilst reading this.
COOLIES. So I COULD be bothered to write stuff about like...the past how long.
I'll blog about Kurrawang next, so that its a seperate thangy.

My babies lost yeah =P mm. Italy won the World Cup. Asses. Penalties. Um, then that Monday I actually got to sleep in, and got to school at about 10:00.
First week of school has been pretty routine, I miss Kurrawang and holidays. STRESS. Had 3 part SAC over 3 days. Open book first 2 and test conditions with cheat sheet for the Friday one. I studied my ass off and then the Friday on was dead easy. And then I had a science test, which I hardly studied for. Psh. Nothing really interesting this week. Rocked up to soccer training Monday and 5 people turned up.
Couldn't play soccer today because of "religious commitments". As my note said: "Church Mission Debrief".
Friday we went to church to watch these American people (most of them Asians though) from San Francisco sing and perform for God and it was great! Their voices blended so well and it sounded like a recording. They're called Cornerstone Singers if you're interested. If not. Go die. KIDDING.


Um, then after we went to Blick's (the Kurrawang mission people) for the "mission debrief'. 11-12 was this Bible study where everyone really seemed like they cbb. Then it was party time. Woo. What like, eating non-stop, talking talking, "exclusive conversations", questions and finding out the love lives of others, building a cubby house which turned into a jumping castle, tickle tortures and 'initiation slapping'. Man it was crazy. Soon everyone had settled down, the couples with each other and friends strengthening they're friendships with each other. Groups of 2 and 2 and 3 and 2 and like 6 and then 2 or something.
Me n' Jenn caught up, never had a d&m with her before, let alone, one that lasts from 4am -7am waiting for the sun to rise and transferring from the warm house to beautiful, cold, wet, garden gazebo outside at 5:30 to wait for the sun to rise. And then to be let down by the clouds and having no clue where the sun actually rose, it just became bright. But YEAH, Jenn, you are one coooool chick, damn interesting to talk to.

Now, YOU won't find this funny, but like...its hard to explain, but I had a quick dream like a second of like..something to do with Lost and Survivor, "more Lost" I had said before I mumbled crap and was like "mmrmmrr ..WOAH DID I JUST SLEEP". That all happened in five seconds. But what I had done was close my eyes to remember that little dream I had and began mumbling crap then realised I was sleeping and freaked out. Cracked up about it, I'll act it out for you if you ask me.

SO YEAH, thats been the eventful week or so. Oh, yeah I didn't sleep. I tried to when we got back into the house at 7:30, but people were already waking up and being homo's =P So once I got home (12:30 or summink) I slept for like 4 hours. And now I'm here, chatting to my little sister, trying to blog clearly without mumbling crap and I'm speaking everything I'm typing right now. Oh and I have accounting work to do as well. Crap. But yeah, SUNDAY TOMORROW, Weekend's over (darn) and APEX, I'm drumming, I'm gonna be wiped. Gay.

Ah well, take care and have a good Sunday.
"Smile" - Anon.

Monday, July 10, 2006

My babies! Bah!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

I hate methods.
Thank you.

the early hours of Sunday morning. 12:13am
Currently doing: Methods (gaygaygay)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Monday - went to Glen at 2:30 with Lex (supposed to meet with Jon) and I got Julia to come too =]. Then saw Gracie and Faith for a bit, gave Grace her jacket that she left at my house on Sunday and Faith stole my Country Road navyblue bag...they left...UMM, then we waited...and waited...for Jo to finish her sports meetang...THEN Jo and Leng came with us and we went to food court (FC Yo') and sat there for a while, eating. a wicked wing feather...sucked by lex into my ear, nose and then ate it. Joy. And Leng and Jo decided to try on our glasses, getting blinder by the second everytime my glasses were on. OOH and Leng's a glasses one too.

Tuesday - forgot what happened. It was that boring.

Wednesday - met up with 10:30. I was at the Glenny library at 10..and waited half an hour for him. Then literally, studied my ass off from 10:30 - 2:30. No lunch break. Alex had a nap time, and we talked a bit I guess, but still, I got heaps of methods and accounting done. WOOPY. So, quite happy. Then, went to Glenny at 2:45..schools not over yet. Saw Ivanananan, then saw Jo for like, 2 seconds who just got back from foot-ay. Then Leng, Grace, Zhoe...then..what. Oh, Leng somehow disappeared from the walk with Grace, Faith and Lex when we were walking to the Glen. (I just found out, it wa slike "Hey? Wheres Leng?" and she was like "Hey? No Ash, Grace, Faith or Alex - I'VE BEEN DITCHED") So yeah, Gracie bought jeans, OOH we saw Jay-son, back from Thailand wearing 100%, less than real Bape stuff. And new Adicolours in his bag (Mr. Happy! Finally). Aunty Lilia kindly invited Lex and moi over and we ended up dining there too =P Thanks a lot Aunty L. WOOPY. And that was Wednesday.

TODAY - FRANCE BEAT PORTUGAOGINBWOGIBW. YES! Penalty. How lame. Ooh, and a big shoutout to grace
yeah so now I'm pretty much bumming. Woke up at what..12:30, had to "work". Didn't go Glen to say happy birthday and mingle, just worked. Ah well, tomorrow Myers and Smith Street shopping. YES. Myer's never to be repeated History Making clearance. I crave Myer. (not Myers as I was kindly corrected one day.)

AND THATS IT. So yes, alright day today, bummed. Like Tuesday. I'll be with Jon and Lex again tmrw, so that'll be goot. um, for now. cool. Safe. Sound. Happy. Joyful and SMOILE. OH and J-walk tomorrow. =]


Monday, July 03, 2006

WOAH. I must've been so tired. PHOO! So it's like this see.
After all that yesterday, and getting back so early in the morning, I had to combine a heap of photos together...for a 9 minute presentation? I ended up sleeping at 5..and had to wake up at 8:50 and rushed man. When the presentation was on, I had to keep pausing and unpausing because the testimonials took a lot longer than expected presentation was only 9 minutes long, we took 15 minutes. So the testimonies finished then I left the remaining 4 and a half minutes to play, whilst we got ready and presented the Angel's Cry Holy item. Ended up going well. Then a lot of us went to eat Pho at Bayswater, then to my house. Faith, Grace, Ka, Sammy, Vicky, Alex, Jon all came, and then left at their own times. It ended up with Jon and Alex and I decided to go sleep whilst they did their things. That was at 5 ish. Alex and Jon woke me up each when they were going. But I slept literally from 5pm Sunday til' 9:50am Today (Monday).


You probably know I sleep like heapppps, like after school and whenever I can, but 17 is a new record for me. Woah. Anyway, now to do what I have to do today, homework and such.

Catch !

Sunday, July 02, 2006

amazing..Kurrawang Mission Trip was just brilliant. So awesome. I'll blog later. Gotta do the slideshow and sleep and shower and stuff..Cya