Thursday, July 06, 2006

Monday - went to Glen at 2:30 with Lex (supposed to meet with Jon) and I got Julia to come too =]. Then saw Gracie and Faith for a bit, gave Grace her jacket that she left at my house on Sunday and Faith stole my Country Road navyblue bag...they left...UMM, then we waited...and waited...for Jo to finish her sports meetang...THEN Jo and Leng came with us and we went to food court (FC Yo') and sat there for a while, eating. a wicked wing feather...sucked by lex into my ear, nose and then ate it. Joy. And Leng and Jo decided to try on our glasses, getting blinder by the second everytime my glasses were on. OOH and Leng's a glasses one too.

Tuesday - forgot what happened. It was that boring.

Wednesday - met up with 10:30. I was at the Glenny library at 10..and waited half an hour for him. Then literally, studied my ass off from 10:30 - 2:30. No lunch break. Alex had a nap time, and we talked a bit I guess, but still, I got heaps of methods and accounting done. WOOPY. So, quite happy. Then, went to Glenny at 2:45..schools not over yet. Saw Ivanananan, then saw Jo for like, 2 seconds who just got back from foot-ay. Then Leng, Grace, Zhoe...then..what. Oh, Leng somehow disappeared from the walk with Grace, Faith and Lex when we were walking to the Glen. (I just found out, it wa slike "Hey? Wheres Leng?" and she was like "Hey? No Ash, Grace, Faith or Alex - I'VE BEEN DITCHED") So yeah, Gracie bought jeans, OOH we saw Jay-son, back from Thailand wearing 100%, less than real Bape stuff. And new Adicolours in his bag (Mr. Happy! Finally). Aunty Lilia kindly invited Lex and moi over and we ended up dining there too =P Thanks a lot Aunty L. WOOPY. And that was Wednesday.

TODAY - FRANCE BEAT PORTUGAOGINBWOGIBW. YES! Penalty. How lame. Ooh, and a big shoutout to grace
yeah so now I'm pretty much bumming. Woke up at what..12:30, had to "work". Didn't go Glen to say happy birthday and mingle, just worked. Ah well, tomorrow Myers and Smith Street shopping. YES. Myer's never to be repeated History Making clearance. I crave Myer. (not Myers as I was kindly corrected one day.)

AND THATS IT. So yes, alright day today, bummed. Like Tuesday. I'll be with Jon and Lex again tmrw, so that'll be goot. um, for now. cool. Safe. Sound. Happy. Joyful and SMOILE. OH and J-walk tomorrow. =]



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