Monday, June 19, 2006

WOW almost a week since I last blogged..I'm almost forgetting about this thing =P I need a new theme too..hmm.
WELL, the last week of school was alright. I dreaded Friday, but it ended up being really good!
I dreaded it because:
- English Oral was due ... hadn't done it
- Methods work to do. Hadn't done it.
- Didn't understand methods =P

Ended up being good because my oral went alright and in methods, after helping me..there was another class "party". I.e. food drinks and no work. Sweet.
Had sport from lunch til' end of day...and sport for me (volleyball team came SECOND) ended at 3:00 so yeah..awesome.

Saturday, Mission Training and Marcus and Jon rocked up to stay over, but...Mark, without call or anything (I told Aunty Jackie otherwise =P) didn't rock up. Too busy getting "drunk on coke with Hazel and Sarah". Psh. We were GOING to watch Tokyo Drift...but it didn't download in time. Slept at 2 something. Bummed all night really =P

Sunday, finished downloading part 1 of Tokyo Drift, so began part 2, to be ready by the time we got back from church. The usual ritual of everyone coming back to my house before Apex was somewhat altered...temporarily. We went to knox for lunch then all split up. I went with Marcus, Grace and Jon to look for track pants for Grace...and ended up looking at fragrances with Jon and Marcus too. oh.


too bad I'm practically booked up for this week. Gah. More of that later. Sunday, had Apex and for the first time. No Apex News?! I didn't have the time. Gah. ah well, I drummed so I was pretty tired. I slept at.
if you didn't catch that. WOW. Then woke up at 3:00 like halfway through the Brazil vs Aus match to see the Brazillians score 2 goals against Australia and Australia dirty it out again...with no goals =P

Ah well. The woke up at 6 something TODAY. MONDAY. To get ready for work ex down at Uncle Daniel's school in the city. Woke up, did what I needed to do, got to Uncle Mark's...ferried to the school and worked all day.
1st job - absentee forms. Gotta fill it out on the intranet for the school. Net is slow ><>

2nd Job - FILING! The legendary joyous job of getting sheets and sorting them into files. No more explanation needed.

Had lunch ... after the 3 hours of filing. Went to Maccas, got chips and then ate cabonara from home. Then at 2 I began to do Application Forms for the school and type it up online...the details then make a quotation and Letter of Offer and all this gay =P. Gah. I'm mentally screwed right now. So yeah. Uncle Mark sent me and Uncle Daniel home, I got my stolen jacket back from Grace and got home at 7. *die*

Now I'm going whatever. So yeah..ttyls.

oh. and I beat my done up GDB's Iro record...with a stock Evo IV. 3.10 first go. Dang man. =.=
[photos from the past week's endevours]


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