Tuesday, June 06, 2006

woke up at ... 10 I think today. St...no I didn't study. Doing that now/tonight. Left the house at 1:30 and took a bus to Knox. Then took the 737 Croydon to Glen..wait. No.

Took it to Croydon. Bloody stupid Croydon. Instead of turning left onto Burwood Highway, it turned right, then onto Stud Road. I thought "Hmm.." but didn't bother asking. Then I'm in Bayswater, then in Boronia and then finally Croydon. What Glen!? I thought the 737 gets there?

Glen <-------> Knox <---------> Croydon

so since Knox is in the middle, I took the wrong way =P
Was supposed to meet up with Mark at like..2.
By the time I got on the right bus at Croydon and had gone backwards and reached Knox again, it was 3:05. Got to Glen to meet an awaiting Khai, Leng and Jo (no Mark, Grace or Faith) at 3:35. I had spent a total of roughly 1 hour 30 (give or take 10 minutes) on the bus, just to get to the Glen. Bus n00b. Yeah I know.

I actually was going to the Glen just to get my camera and Vicky's Michael Buble CD back. No case or cover for both.

Went to Star East, ate with the three. Had to buy an extra drink because minimum 3.50 per person. Jo and Leng bought nothing = Psh. Talked for a while, good fun, got to know Khai and Leng. Khai disappeared after and we walked aimlessly for another don't know how long. By then it was like...4:50. Went to the bus stop, we chatted til' the bus (the proper one) came. I was pretty sure it was the right one cuz' Eu Yane turned up with Cheryl? Sheryl? mm..and was going to Knox. So good, he was my security. Talked on the way home about VCE subjects, GAT tmrw for all you people and church and whats-been-happenings.

And that was my day, a fairly enjoyable one at that. Time to study, and then tomorrow accounting exam and then FREEDOM. Oh wait, camp on Thursday - Friday. =P

Chow for now

Pics that the thief and her thief friends took on my cam.


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