Friday, June 23, 2006

WOOOOOOOOO!! Work experience is OVER!
And as the name says, it was, an experience.

I guess the experience of waking everyday at 6:30-7:00..and knowing its a school holiday, and having to get changed and ready to get to Uncle Mark's house by 7:25 so he can ferry us both off to work. The days I didn't have to wake up so early, were the days where I caught the train in the morning. I get to the station at about 7:45 and get to the city at about 8:45. Stupid morning trains. So that was an experience, as well as ending work at 5 and getting home by 6. Monday and Tuesday getting home at 7. Thanks toooo Uncle Daniel, Uncle Mark and Uncle Tiow Lam for the opportunity to work at AMI Ed, and Heather for being my supervisor...and all the people there (although I doubt you'll ever read this) and...yeah was alright. Filling is so repetitive though, I swear. Tedious and time consuming.

ANYWAY, So yesterday I got off early, at 3, so I could get to the doctor's by 5 =P. Took THAT long. AND TODAY I was allowed off at 12:00! Cuz, I'm actually getting sick. From dad and mum. The stuff Uncle Kuang gave to me on Thursday, is what everyone else in my family (mum and dad) are taking =P So now we're all on drugs. I was afraid of being sick before and during mission and being crapped up all week. But with a bit of earnest, consistent prayer, God's healing hand...and on the side, some Lemsip and the antibiotics, the cold I think has gone through its worst phase. SWEET.

I think what also helped was getting off early today, yeah, so met up with Jolinks and Spleng and went for lunch at some "shady" corner in Ching-town. Which we searched every alley...and ended back at the first one and found it. Had dumplings, quite cheap! And nice too. Connections Leng =) And throughout the day we were just roaming looking through shops, clothes..etc. Marvelling but not purchasing =P

Then walked around, got Boost and stuff, then went back to Glen, bummed a bit more then went home. Good use of like 5 hours. Oh then for like the second time ever, met Eu Yane and took the bus back to knox with him =P Freaky. So YEAH today was good good! Laughs and stuff.

SO Today was good, and I'm excited about going to Kurrawang, sooo, although tired, I need to pack. Sadly. Laters! Take care this next week!
ps. photos of Tammie on the post before =]


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