Wednesday, June 21, 2006

last night tammie was really playing up..passing blood (OKAY SO FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DON'T KNOW WHAT PASSING MEANS, THINK OF PASSING WIND...THANK YOU!), and peeing uncontrollably (they call that..incontinence). SO she was in pain, and flinched when you touched the left of her body. If she didn't survive the night, we'd have to put her down on Wednesday (today).

She survived, so at 7, before I left to go to work, I spent my last five minues with her. *sigh* Had work today, filing all day. She was put down in the afternoon sometime.

Tired as, and I think I'm a tad sick, so I best be going to sleep. I took a Dimetap too..with antihistimine so I think I'll get groggy anyway.



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