Friday, March 31, 2006


hey hey !

friday friday friday! quite happy =D

friday = last day of school for the week
and for today, it meant I had an after school drama rehearsal! yay. =.="

it wasn't too bad though I guess, but by the time I got home (6:00) and had a shower (6:30) I had to zip off to church already(get there by 7:10)! its Grace Church's anniversary this sunday, and so a combination of kids and youth are performing "I'm Not Ashamed" in song and dance. then after the one hour practice, we had small group Bible study, then more dance practice after =P

for some weird reason, the troubles of the past few weeks currently aren't hitting me, and I'm really happy and optimistic.

Marcus gave a really good Bible study today, in Psalms 119:65-72, talking about how God trials us, tests us, disciplines us. we need to stay close to God despite the sin around us and He'll teach us. really enjoyed that lesson.

and now, I sit here, typing this up, chatting on msn and yeah...not much, but feeling really good, a lot better than I have this week.

take care this weekend,
the best I'm feeling in ages, praise Him,

Thursday, March 30, 2006


I always look forward to thursdays. biggest bludge day of the week.
starts off with phys-ed then music performance ( - drool - ). recess then religion (or study period...I don't get it), then science (which is alright currently) and then religion&society lecture then an extra long lunch (1:00-2:10) double philosophy with one of the cooler teachers. and alex, tyrone and michael. =P fun fun.

then sports training.

then a crapload of homework. no methods or english wednesday and thursdays, so I can do half on wednesday and the other half on thursday.

me being me...I've left most of it till' tonight.

lots to do tonight, so I'd better scoot.
- spash

Wednesday, March 29, 2006



good morning! look at the time, I'd better start my homework.
I slept at about 0630 and wanted to wake up in 30 minutes. the nap turned into a 2 hour sleep, gah. now I need to rush my homework...

today was the first day of term 1B (-.-") that I didn't sleep on the bus. woah. maybe it was because Jason and Karvin took the bus, and I was annoying Karvin like crap.

ended the day on double methods too.

slept, woke up, and I'm here. with one thing to satisfy my hunger (which I get from not eating between 6:30 and 8:30). I've got, sitting next to me (and I feel ever so guilty) a half eaten, hot, steaming, bacon deluxe burger sitting on a bed of fresh fries. mmmm.

time to eat, then work.

on the topic of food, that reminds me. I had cabonara for lunch today (double mmm) and took it out for recess. I ate half, then somehow the container came out from my hand and it spilt everywhere. NOO! so after cleaning up, there was still a bit left. I was about to eat it and I dropped the container again. no more cabonara. all on Alex's shoes. then I proceeded to buy a Gaytime (very gay) and wedges.

that's my speel.

AHA! but wait, I feel like being a sheep. *goes and gets tagboard*
*ah* much better.

- spash

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


woah. weird.

jon just gave me his blogspot.
created three days ago.
I had no clue.

how coincidental is that? fwoar.

he even stole my pics (well I gave them to him willingly) and they appeared on his blog. I had absolutely no idea. This guy...

jon phey. I see you 7 days a week. six if I'm lucky. Or 5 if I decide to take a sickie.
And thats it. This isn't a tribute box so I'll stop.

thats my shout out, because I'm bothered to right now.


My personal praises, thoughts, ideas and shouts are to appear here when I can be bothered.

Expressions, pictures of the mind.

I actually have no reason to begin this blog. Nor do I have a reason to end it. Or speak like a posh hardcore wannabe.

Art&photos will appear too.

If all else fails, this blog gets deleted, unread by eyes that belong to people who know me.

Thanks to you, for reading this.
God Bless,