Wednesday, March 29, 2006



good morning! look at the time, I'd better start my homework.
I slept at about 0630 and wanted to wake up in 30 minutes. the nap turned into a 2 hour sleep, gah. now I need to rush my homework...

today was the first day of term 1B (-.-") that I didn't sleep on the bus. woah. maybe it was because Jason and Karvin took the bus, and I was annoying Karvin like crap.

ended the day on double methods too.

slept, woke up, and I'm here. with one thing to satisfy my hunger (which I get from not eating between 6:30 and 8:30). I've got, sitting next to me (and I feel ever so guilty) a half eaten, hot, steaming, bacon deluxe burger sitting on a bed of fresh fries. mmmm.

time to eat, then work.

on the topic of food, that reminds me. I had cabonara for lunch today (double mmm) and took it out for recess. I ate half, then somehow the container came out from my hand and it spilt everywhere. NOO! so after cleaning up, there was still a bit left. I was about to eat it and I dropped the container again. no more cabonara. all on Alex's shoes. then I proceeded to buy a Gaytime (very gay) and wedges.

that's my speel.

AHA! but wait, I feel like being a sheep. *goes and gets tagboard*
*ah* much better.

- spash


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