Tuesday, November 07, 2006

it has been decided.

It might have been because the name was appealing..it only came second in the poll.
Because seriously, mum and dad were getting sick of him having no name.

He is called:

Finally =P after much deliberation.

Just like to inform you =]
THANK YOU! for being a part of his name..giving..and yeah, contributing to the poll! =] it was a great success


Monday, November 06, 2006

by the way.

The name is kinda supposed to be both..
-Cute when he's young
-When's he's older, its still retains some sort of ...manliness and balance, cute but not pansy?

Thats why Pretzel is like...sounds almost girly.

You sure, that 5 years down the track, we won't feel like fags going "Fudge! Come here!"

just something to ponder =] if you wanna change your vote
vote twice for the new name you want =]

Greetings from Carinya Haven (quick fact: thats the "name" of my house)

On the topic of names, I just got a new little brother on Saturday!

He doesn't actually HAVE a name yet.

Pic's of him:

and I've even youtube-ed him =D

We're in a massive predicament.
It started off with dad going:
"Howabout Kiddo?" and mum and I kinda just went =S ..no.

AND SO began the search for his name.

The favourites are :

the 2 people like it, one person doesn't ones are:

and the ones that only one person liked (namely mum) were:
(like what the)
and dad liked:
..I liked Jazz.

Theres also: Puddles, Fuddles, Sprite, Spritz, Rufus, Scooter...someone even mentioned Spoon =="

and yeah. Its been like that. With input from everyone, I like this, this isn't that good..I wanna find the name, the one everyone's satisfied with.

SO I need your help, whats a good name? There are so many...
Check the pup out, and either choose a name on the poll, or write another in the cbox =] (and select OTHER in the poll too)

and with that, I bid you adieu.

OH, and I found her - Jarah Mariano.

You may disagree about her awesome-tivity, but something about her blew me away. PHOO.
Oh. And she has credentials, she modelled for Victoria's Secret. Uhhuh, uhhuh ;-).