Tuesday, September 19, 2006

below is a product of victoria lim's creativity. She's not too bad, I'll give her that.
Changing my name of the blog to "I crave beer" and putting a random story in. Actually that's Vicky's english story, and I don't think it will work for her if shes aiming for A+ at the end of the year.

SO! It has been a while though. I guess the most exciting things that have happened lately are as follows.

Last week:
Exam: Monday - Thursday <= Die
United Live @citylife church on Friday.

okok, the story is like this.
If you've never heard of United, they are the youth band of the Hillsong Church in Sydney. They've done 7 albums so far, and the songs are really great praise and worship to God. SO it was only natural that us Grace Churchians, who do a lot of Hillsong/United songs go see them. So we did.

Now at a christian worship msuic night, the structure of the service, whether is be at Planetshakers or Hillsong is usually lively fun music, then toning down/slower more reflective music, then sit down and greet, offering and giving out free stuff, then message then end on more music.

There was more space cleared out for a massive mo..not mosh..worship pit, so most people were standing.

At the start of the night, was an icebreaker, involving pogo stick challenges, which our very own Jesse Wong got to the finals! But lost and won a...video -.-"

Then, later on, giving out free stuff, after some awesome music, United gave out like...a CD and a couple of shirts, its all promotional really. They just threw the stuff one side and another side and some lucky person gets the merchandise. But us mosh people were all sitting on the floor, and if people wanted the things they're like raise their hands and make noise. There was also some funky United bandanas, which only the drummer, Dave, seemed to be wearing. Something along the lines of "any drummers out there" came up. I decided, what the heck, I've never gotten free stuff before =P

So I stood and was like going nuts.

"You're a drummer?"
I nodded
"Come on up"
I went up.
"What's your name?"
"And you're from?"
Grace Church of Christ
"And you can drum?"
"well you'd better show us"

at that very moment, everything became bliss. MY DREAM has been to drum with United. Its like...when you're in the shower pretending you're on the final of Australian Idol or something, for me I think drums with United. (or planetshakers...I guess =D)
Jumped up, (the drums were on a raised platform. Dave got off the drums, we shook and he goes "here's a fresh pair of sticks" and then asked me what song I wanted.
DUDE! At that moment I didn't care, I was going to drum...with United Live.
"Nah you choose"
"nono man, you choose a song"
so I chose "Take it All"

He yelled to the bass guitarist, "TAKE IT ALL" and then the guitarist shook my hand and was like, "You count in"

I COUNT IN? YOU'll follow ME? OMGOSH I can't believe this.
"You serious?"
so I counted in.

I know it wasn't long lasting..my like..30 seconds of fame. But even so, I remember screams, flashing lights and music...damn adrenaline..I honestly forgot what happened during, only remember..well..purple flashing lights I think. And it was dark =P

But yeah. I ...got to drum with them.

Friday had been such a shat day, I was doing a video at school all day for Sunday and it ended up stuffing up (and I was late for United) and I was really paying out God and saying that it's within His power to just speed the friggin Mac "up but NOOO you won't, and the video is for YOU God, yet you won't help."

And I did mention the whole. "Why is life unfair?" Thing.

It is fair though...He really balanced it out Friday night...and in hindsight, He just wants me to develop patience and trust...I have to commit more to Him, because I actually never prayed or anything about the video, just did it within my own power.

So yeah...awesome Friday. Saturday was redoing the entire video, waking at 7:00, eating macoroni and soup for breaky and a coffee and getting straight into it at 7:30. I finished the video at about 5:30, with worship practice as a break (from 3-5), and showed Brenda n' Jenn. They looked reasonably happy. I was still overjoyed about drumming...for United.

SO everything was great Saturday, the video problem was solved (and actually looked better than the one on the Mac), I had drummed (and I quote Steph Ling, "ur gona b dancing abt that 4eva aren't u"), there was dance practice and we had small group after that. Saturday rocked.

Sunday was the celebration service, we had another dance praccy at 8:30, then I had worship practice and then the actual church thingy started at 11 (to end at 1).

The 40 days of purpose is over! The video was shown, we did the dance, and so much has been lifted off everyone's backs! Plus, the church is probably ready to embrace change, because you can't grow unless you change. So, that night I finished off my last chapter of the 40 Days book and slept well.

MONDAY! The four boys (minus marcus and mark), i.e. Jon and I, wanted to go buy stuff and eat a GOOD lunch. We went to Grill'd and ate a Mighty Melbourne each. And right now I crave. Cuz they're friggin awesome. HUGE and tasty and ..mighty. It was great, and very fufilling. Then went to look around for a webcam, and thennnn...went to Myer and ended up talking to Nicole Tan for like half an hour about...everything. Went up stairs, played a bit of games and watched Nemo, then back down and Nicole had a 20 min break so we walked around more and then sat down for a coffee at Cafe Otto and talked more =]

After Nic went back to work, Jon n' me went to buy the webcam/s and then went off to his house to chill, play guitar, watch him play WOW and..muck with Chip and then go home.

WOW-ed all night til 4. GEEKY, damnit its addictive.

AND NOW I sit here, just..reading..and typing and reminicsciscnsinscnigning
it was a good weekend, and an awesome start to the holidays, even thought today was wasted =P

Talk to you later and take care =]
hey yaaa'll :) sorry i haven't updated in a while, i'm such a fag.
but i'd like you to know that i'm not really THAT sorry, because i've been on a cruise to Shipwreck Island. It was exotic and i am beautiful. i FEEL beautiful.

i killed an ant today, oh i feel like the biggest murderer. someone please tell me they've killed an ant before.

ah sorry, i've been drinking too much tomato sauce so i don't really know what i'm talking about. oh how i wish i was in a garden. a beautiful apple tree filled garden. i can just picture myself holding a balloon and smelling flowers and pears... oh how lovely.

anyway must be off, i'm about to go out to meet some of my animal creatures. oh how i miss them so.

Sunday, September 03, 2006


AND. Yes.

Today, knowingly, my mother woke up at like 4 and picked up Ruth and Rebekah and went to a certain place to buy a certain number of a certain delicacy that certainly pleased the dads of the church today. To be exact, 29 boxes worth of these delicacies (as grace said, 79..meaning there would have been like...individually, 948 of these delicacies. Yeah, nice grace =P).
Of course, only 25 were going to the fathers..the remaining four were for personal consumption.

I woke up at 5 and helped them out when they got home (at 5) and we did all the father's day gift bags. After that, had worship practice and yeah...been up ever since. (BEE TEE DOUBLE-YEW: i slept at 1:30 last night. So I'm damn tired now).

After church, everyone..that is..okayokay
Mark, Marcus, Jon, Alex, JASON, Jesse, Sam H, Geoff (Jeff? Dunno), Jeremy, Ian, Ruth, Rebekah, Jo, Julia, Gabby, Beny, Aaron, Amelia, Brenda...And then later Faith and Grace.

All came to my house to celebrate Jason's b'day =] Had like..a billion pies, and KFC Hot n' Spice-ay-ay-ay chick-eiiiin. (cow and chick-eiiiin)

Anyway. TODAY was a big day for many of the girls, because they had their dance to the song Unwritten by Natalie Beddingfield. Whilst they did their mix of..er, forgot what Julia called it, but ballet and something, Ka and Ruth painted a seemingly empty canvas. Then, after the music finished (they still hadn't peeled off everything) but, after an awkward silence, and peeeling, the painted red canvas ended up having the word "SERVE" on it. It was GREAT! Took Ka a while to organize so, awesome stuff sis.

Ah. after church, us "hip-hop" dancers for a performance coming up on the celebration day had a practice from 2-5. Thanks for being patient with us my godbrother, Beny.

And yeah, then after it was over, got home and Osacar was there! (next door neighbours orange, beautiful cat. Fairly young too, so full of energy) So Lex, Ka, Jay and I tried to make friends with him =] Cool as cat, though, short attention span and wanders off/scampers off somewhere else =P

Dinner and Ka's and Ka and me ended up sleeping on Rufus' bed. I was at the bottom in the most uncomfortable position.

ALRIGHT, now I"m home. Gonna sleep.

PICTURES. speak a thousand words..PAINT a thousand words sorry. Or more.
Say .. 1002
photos of the boys courtesy of joanne's camera skills.
the rest are by yours truly.