Thursday, April 06, 2006


goooood afternoon/morning/depending-on-what-time-you-read-this..

so, wednesday was the performance of "Unman, Wittering and Zigo"...went reasonably well! ended at 9:20, got home at 9:50 and was very exhausted =P

TODAY was tiring as too, P.E in the morning, supposed to perform for music (I didn't...Mr Marshall was angwi~) then...2 study periods, at lunch had six-a-side soccer...died, and after school had baddy training...which is good, but stupid Mr. Zuo made me play on saturday...gah...and Mr Harris thinks I'm deaf.
Z: "What's your name?"
A: (omg, doesn't know my name..stupid ass) "Ashley Chan"
Z: "Can you play on saturday?"
A: "uhhh..."
Z: *writes my name down* "Check the noticeboard"
A: (omg again) ""
I walk off and then..
H: "He won't turn up you know"
I felt like going "F..." yeah you know...
so then Zuo goes
Z: "If you don't turn up its a Friday detention"
A: " err..yeah I'll turn up"

asses. make my day gay. =P

other wise the past two days have been fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

suP sUp!?!. =]
hOpeefulLy ya doN't haF to plAy in the cOld!.. oh HEY.. mayBe it'll like fuLly rain.. so then you don't haVe to goOoo! ^^ lyK daT idea?! heheheh =] YOU la. smiLe.. baBBy darLing.. hahahaha ^^ ashLey..aShlaAiii haha.. i'm smiLing.. alwaYz..weLlz.. moStt.. :D wOoo..=] sCoree.. dUnn woRraiii.. day won't get as bad as "spiLling oRange juiCe"... hahaha =] lataa!
-geishA aNniee.-


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