Monday, April 03, 2006

sunday&monday. double whammy.

woops..didn't update yesterday.

sunday was pretty eventful I guess. got to church early for the rehearsal for the Church Anniversary dance/song, "I'm Not Ashamed"

the dance ended up really well and we had to perform it not once, but twice, via special request of the pastor (how can we reject him =P)

then rehearsal for the wedding coming up after service, then church lunch and many funny videos taken.

the funny videos were for none other than Charles down in Singy-pour, waiting anxiously for the day to come where he has to don the camo-suit and start national service, so instead of me going to tennis (was too lazy anyway) I went home with Ruth and we finished off Charles' "Happy National Service (as Hayden says)" video, to be mailed to him ASAP.

Now for today...woke up, had horrible dreams that reminded me about...stuff. did everything reluctantly, but luckily dad bought me (for the billionth time) McDonald's for breaky, and I had 3 hashies from the school canteen for breakfast. double accounting (joy) and then recess, then methods test (fail)...and thats about all thats interesting about my day.

OH! one good thing, on this depressing-weather-ed day, I was asked by the vice-princey-pally to perform at a function down in May. *yes!* my first break, so that'll be cool.

ah, was supposed to have drama today, but its "only a technical run, so non-main parts aren't needed (i.e. 95% of the cast). I stayed back and missed my bus. LUCKY Jon's hadn't arrived, so I took his.

thats it, for another day down in ChanWorld.


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