Tuesday, June 26, 2007


they're here =]
today is..the first tuesday of holidays.
do holidays begin as soon as school ends?
according to the old head of middle school:

"Your holidays begin when you walk into your driveway"

SO, is today really the fifth day of holidays? or did it start Sunday or Monday or what?
hee ^^

went shopping monday. with mum.
DFO-ness at cheltenham..chelenem? meh
yeah bought like stuff..belts, pants, shirts and a hoodie
retail therapy - oh yeah.

today, I just went to the ortho and now I am about to go to knox to
YEAH! like I'm actually intent on getting money.
a) to pay back mum for the retail therapy ystrday
b) to fund my digital camera fund

and have money to spend these holidays somewhat
so fingers crossed!
Then i'll go home do homework and clean my room - and if time permits go out tonight.

Thats my life for today =P

i've been drawing too! I'll post it up when I've finished
and I've stuck all these photos on my wall..24 photos to be exact - matte finish and white edge border thing. boarder? border?


sick tee

I've been saying 'sick' a lot

u-leh u-leh



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