Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Word of the Day for Wednesday August 2, 2006

supercilious \soo-puhr-SIL-ee-uhs\, adjective:
Disdainfully arrogant; haughty.

GREAT. If only I knew what disdainfully meant..and haughty..
I swear I've heard them in Romeo and Juliet or something..disdaining fortune..

let me see...

Disdainfully (adv/adj)
adv 1: in a proud and domineering manner;
2: without respect; in a disdainful manner

RIGHT okay, so its like...being a fag. Supercilious sounds like a good word...

ANYWAY, I feel really overloaded. Or maybe its just me.
One of the things I can't take is exclusion..but that doesn't apply now. I can't take losing things, it annoys the crap out of me SO badly. I lost my 50 dollar iTrip (Attatch it to the top of your iPod, tune the radio into the particular station and "voila!" you have music from the iPod to the radio.) and then i've lost both my $30 dollar rings, one with Jesus' Cross and another with the Trinity and each time this gut feeling hits and sticks and absolutely makes me want to....disdainfully kick someones ass.

SO now I've lost the school library book, Tom Clancy's: Net Force. In most cases I wouldn't care, but the fact that I've read 20 or so of its 300 pages, have lost it, so I have NO clue whats gonna happen to the ... well I don't even know the main character because the guy we're first introduced to got killed in the second chapter =.=" YEAH.

Oh, one more thing. Its Wednesday, I haven't got the book, its 300 pages long...and I HAVE TO DO A DAMN ORAL ON IT ON FRIDAY.
You say "borrow another book", but borrowing another book doesn't stop me from having this sickening gut feeling that I'VE LOST SOMETHING.

Okay. Thats not out of my system but I'm moving on for your sake.

Wednesday..I just arrived home from tuition. Easy stuff, so its .. not too tough. UM.

Monday, soccer training after a JOYOUS day at school.

HAHA there we are, I'll go back even further.

Friday night, I stayed at Jon's (after small group) with Lex. Then had Saturday sport and we lost "2-72" as I told my mother when she called me from WARNUM..WARNAM..BOOL. (Yeah that place). It was 1-3 =.=". Ah well. Then after sport I was dropped at the Ruth/Aaron/Rebekah/Grace/Luke Wong's (note: dad and mum are actually in warnaeoigbwegbool for the weekend) and then yeah..bummed for the day, watched tv, Blick came over at night, drank bailey's and smirnoff (heh. my alcohol resistance sucks balls) then slept at like...donno when. Had church the next day (Sunday)

FIRST DAY OF THE 40 DAYS OF PURPOSE! I was drumming, that was pretty good, praising God and all. Then after the bit-longer-than-usual service, went to glen with a whole lot of churchies. NO WAIT. It was knox. To watch Lake House and celebrate Gabby's b'day (btw, Happy Birthday Gabby).

MONDAY. (I slept over again) Went to SCHOOL. Mum n' Dad got back. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM AND GABBY. yeah. they're both on July 31st, how cool. Then eventually got home after soccer training.

Move down 3 days and you've got me on Wednesday where I'm feeling crap, lots-o'-methods, lots-o'-accounting, lots-o'-englishoral, lots-o'-accounting"test". Bah. I want to rest, but I need to find this book. Bah.

HAH. interesting thing, swapped ties with Vicky on Monday and would trade back whenever one of us got into trouble. She got the 'evil eye' apparently..and everyone was asking why she had a senior tie. Reverse that, everyone asked me why I had a year 12 tie. Then on closer inspection, why do you have a GIRLS tie. =P Swapped it back today =P And got to eat her "lovely" butter cookies.


for now, so I feel better, gonna go find the book. Pray for me? Please? thanks.


Cookies =D The best (doofiest) sister

Matty (stoner) and moi


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